Tell me more about your security
At Bowerbird, we take security extremely seriously. Our experience working with collectors shows that security is one of the biggest concerns when considering putting data online. When collecting, it's all about the data; some of it is okay to share, some of it could put the entire collection and its value at risk if leaked. We have implemented multiple layers of security to ensure this never happens, including the ability to create nearly infinite layers of permission (allowing you to choose which users can see which pieces of information).
Who can access my collection?
When you first start, you are the only one who can access your collection. If you wish to share or even delegate parts of your collection's data with other users or guests you can do so very easily. Each user has a personal login and password that must remain personal. You'll never need to share your login information with anyone, not even us. Any access to your collection is recorded in detail so you can see who is doing what at any time.
What if someone steals my password?
As much as possible, we encourage you to never write down your password. If you are still concerned someone could steal it, we offer you the option to activate a second layer of security when logging in, this is called 2-step authentication. With this system, in addition to entering your regular password, our system can give you a call on a pre-set phone number and provide you with a second code to enter on the login form. This second code is a rolling code set to expire after 1 minute.
Can Bowerbird employees see my private data?
Never without your permission. Your password is encrypted on our servers, so we are unable to see it and therefore access your data. If you ever need help and we must access your data, we will first ask you to grant us temporary access to your collection by sharing it with us.
Where is my data sitting physically speaking? Is it safe?
Your data is stored in our data center in Ashburn, Virgina. A building-within-a-building design, over 50 facility cameras with 360-degree coverage, multiple security zones, and 3-factor ID for data floor access keep your data secure. A 24x7x365 armed, in-house security team monitors all security systems and cameras. The building is surrounded by a virtually unscalable steel fence and bollards.
All of our servers are protected behind dedicated firewalls. Advanced controllers constantly monitor and analyze all network traffic, and we have multiple security policies in place to prevent a network interruption in the event of a malicious attack. All data, even internally between our servers, is sent over encrypted protocols; all information sent over the Internet uses SSL encryption, the same encryption that is used when you enter your credit card information online.
How do you protect my personal information?
We will never provide any of your personal information to any person for any reason. Please read our Privacy Policy.
Do you backup the data? What if I erase everything by mistake?
All your data is backed up hourly so you never have to worry about losing anything.
If I decided to share some or all of my collection with the public, can someone copy my images or documents?
All images that you upload (item images, scanned documents, etc.) are watermarked so nobody can reuse them without attribution. Of course, with your password, you can always access the non-watermaked high definition original images if you need to.